Group Classes
Create new friendships while learning how to play. Our group programmes offer you a timetable of lessons that give you the flexibility to learn at your own pace. Whether you have played for years, or picking up a club for the first time, you’ll find this a great way to improve your golf.
Start Golf | £50 for 5x1 Hour Group Lessons
Our Start Golf programme is starting June 2016, the programme includes 5 sessions covering the different aspects of the game for novice or beginner golfers. All sessions will be based on having fun, developing golfing skills, making friends and giving golfers the best possible start to their golfing journey.
June Start Golf Beginners
Tuesday 14th June - Tuesday 12th July
Wednesday 15th June - Wednesday 13th July
June start Golf Intermediates
Wednesday 15th June - Wednesday 13th July
Saturday 18th June - Saturday 16th July
**Please note that sessions are for 5 consecutive weeks on a class**
Please contact us to book or for further information: