Would you like to give golf a try in a fun and relaxed way?
Do you play but would like to improve your skills?
Would you like to meet other people, learn and have fun together?
Our This Girl Can Golf! programme is designed to be fun, informative and social! No equipment required for those new to the game and dress code is casual and comfortable!
Monthly Programme
We have created a vibrant and fun programme which is flexible, it includes a nice balance of covering the skills required to play and improve with the social element of a fun community.
Our programme runs monthly, we have sessions on in the week and at weekends - these are all open to attend. We realise you won’t be able to make them all and a particular day / time is more convenient, you have the flexibility to come to the classes you can make. We cover all the topics across all the different sessions so you are not missing out!
Class Details:
Tuesday’s 8pm-9pm with Phil Akers
Thursday 12-1pm with Matt Galley
Saturday 1-2pm with Phil Akers
£30 Per Month
If you would like to come for a FREE session to give it a go please also complete the form.